Having a coach or mentor is crucial to finding success in this business.

I’ve been successful for many years, and throughout my journey, I’ve had multiple coaches and mentors. You need a coach if you want to further your career and maximize your full potential. I’m here with Ken Hindman, our team leader and director of sales, to talk about the importance of a coach or mentor. 

“New agents with no experience find huge success after aligning with the right coach.”

Getting started as a solo agent, Ken had no coaching other than some training. There was a lot of information, and he didn’t know what to do. Getting a coach to train him specifically in what he needed improvement on was a game changer. That time was not just training. It was also pushing him past his limits. Pushing into the uncomfortable and stressing your limits allows you to grow. I think that goes hand in hand with accountability. You can’t grow unless you have accountability and pressure on you to move to the next level.

Before Ken joined the firm, he aimed to get 20 contacts per day, but when he got a coach, she told him to make 100 contacts per day. That was a game-changer. I’ve witnessed how brand new agents that didn’t have any coaching or mentoring were able to do almost two dozen deals the first year, making six figures after they aligned themselves with the right team and coach or mentor.

If you have any questions, reach out to us by phone or email, and we’d be happy to help you.